4 Reasons Your Business Needs More Video Content

Video, video and more video

Relying on outdated marketing practices in the contemporary world, which seems to be changing constantly, just doesn’t cut it. As they say, “modern problems require modern solutions”, which holds true today more than ever. Whether you’re a start-up or a business with established roots, understanding that video content is an essential part of every marketing strategy is the only way to move forward.

There’s a strong reason 87% of the world’s businesses are already incorporating it as a marketing tool. With the changing dynamics of digital marketing over the years, consumers expect, nay demand, ease before anything else. They expect to navigate through products and services in a way that educates them on the important features and assists their decision-making process. If anything, the pandemic has only resulted in the numbers rising.

However, the real question is, what makes video content so appealing to the masses after all? And the answer eventually comes down to the following:

  • Engagement
  • Customer education
  • Accessibility, among many other reasons

It’s a Tool for Story Telling

Today, it’s no longer possible to entice your consumer base with sales and discount offers alone. The only thing that seals the deal is bringing emotions into the equation. Additionally, this has to be one of the biggest reasons behind the success of video content so far. When you’re able to convey emotions and a deeper message through your products, your customers and a wider audience can connect to them on an emotional level. 

It’s Widely Accessible

By not creating videos for your marketing campaigns, you’ll not only be depriving millions of people of consuming their favorite form of content but also run the risk of losing out on potential sales opportunities. 

Thanks to social media and other similar applications, video content is now as conveniently available as any other necessity of life. If you don’t believe us, you might as well believe the numbers. According to the 2017 stats for YouTube, people watched video content of over a billion hours on the platform every single day that year.

There’s No Limit to How You Make Videos

Digital Marketing
4 Reasons Your Business Needs More Video Content 1

Unlike other forms of marketing, videos are ever more flexible. Whether you like to make them formal, casual, short, long, or in a story format, there’s a platform for everything. For instance, Instagram and SnapChat may be perfect for shorter videos, but Facebook and YouTube allow you to add videos that are a few seconds to more than an hour long. However, it all comes down to what suits your company’s marketing goals the best.

It’s a Great Return on Investment

There’s an ongoing misconception about videos being expensive and time-consuming to produce. However, that’s far from the truth. With the amount of technology present to serve humankind today in smartphones, it’s possible to create videos even without incorporating a huge budget. What do you get as a result? A huge consumer base and soaring sales.

In the end, you have yourself a marketing strategy that’s not only a great way to garner attention naturally but is also cost-effective and accessible throughout the world.

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