5 Questions before starting your Facebook Ads campaign

It’s not just about money.

To make every penny in Facebook Ads worthwhile, you must take full advantage of the tools at your disposal. Before launching your project and ensure you get a good return on your investment stop in these questions.

1. Are your objectives well defined?

When you know what you want, it is much easier to understand where to go. When designing your Facebook Ads ads, you must ensure that the final result is following the initial objectives proposed.
Facebook offers many options for different types of ads, so it is easy to get confused with the various features and tools while setting up a campaign. Having clear and defined objectives will keep you focused on your strategy.
Check your proposed goals while you set up your Facebook Ads. Select the campaign’s objectives, the types of ads, and how to generate the best performance that optimizes the performance of your investment.

2. Is the segmentation of your audience correct?

Digital Marketing
5 Questions before starting your Facebook Ads campaign 1

Creativity and ingenuity are a winning pair when advertising, but if your message does not reach the right audience, your Facebook Ads campaigns could generate a tremendous economic loss.
For your strategy to be valid, you must know what your niche is, identify those people in tune with your product, brand, or service and guide the message towards them. Depending on the objectives set, you can target new consumers, current fans, or both.
Take into account important parameters such as age, gender, language, and geographic location when making the segmentation. Facebook, on the other hand, based on the data stored by users in their profiles will make your advertising reach those people related to the characteristics established in your campaign.
Devote as much time as necessary to the segmentation of your audience. Segmentation is probably one of the most sensitive and determining guidelines in your Facebook Ads ads.

3. Is there a balance between text and images in your publication?

Digital Marketing
5 Questions before starting your Facebook Ads campaign 2
Digital Marketing
5 Questions before starting your Facebook Ads campaign 3

Pay attention to how the elements that make up your ad look, otherwise the platform will penalize you for those that contain a lot of text.
It is a balance in which you must make sure not to allow the rule of 20 percent of Facebook interfere with your message. Keep in mind that even if you do not comply with the rule, your ad will be approved, but it will be shown to very few people. In other words, you will spend money to get very little or no results at all.
If, for example, you have chosen a too long header, it is likely that in the preview for computers the ad looks good, but it is cut in the mobile version, will affect your results.
Design your publication trying to find the best harmony between image and text, so that they do not compete with each other. Remember that more than like you should be attractive to your audience.

4. What should be the printing frequency?

If there is something that you should be clear about, it is that people use social networks to socialize, nobody enters them waiting to be sold, so you must take care of the frequency of printing your posts in Facebook Ads campaigns.
Make sure not to bombard your audience with the same ad again and again. This causes fatigue and negative comments.
The printing frequency depends on the proposed objectives. For example, if you are looking for recognition of your brand or enormous scope, you should aim for visibility. In this case, the frequency does not matter if the duration is a few days.
Campaigns need several weeks or months, it is necessary to control the frequency of your ads so as not to fatigue your audience getting the opposite effect.

5. Is the content attractive enough to click on?

Once your campaign is designed, ask yourself, are your ads attractive enough for your audience to click on? Are they so irresistible that you would do it yourself? These questions are essential to predict the level of interaction they can achieve.
Think about it; if you do not feel tempted to click, it might be better to go back and improve your publication.
When creating your campaign, be inspired by how your followers think, speak, and act to deliver a message that will generate emotion and arouse your interest in learning more about your ad.

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