Don’t go offline! Prepare for A Tropical Storm Or Hurricane


The tropical storm or the hurricane season is here. Every business should be focusing on early preparedness because it’s the best way to ensure your business operations continuity. Companies should now be looking at creating the best action plan ahead of the tropical storm, which includes creating emergency communications, establishing evacuation routes, and even getting ready for impact. With early business preparedness, employees and their families will have peace of mind, which is much needed, especially during this season.
This hurricane is projected to be nearly 50 percent more severe than the average, with four significant storms expected to happen. Also, remember, we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, proper and early business preparedness is of utmost importance to ensure the impact is minimal. In this article, you’re going to learn how to prepare your business for a tropical storm or hurricane. So, read on to discover more.
Prepare before the storm We can’t stop emphasizing the importance of early preparedness for every business, especially during this coronavirus pandemic. You don’t want to panic when the storm hits, and so you should assess the impact that a hurricane could cause on your business and make the most prompt decisions on what to do about it. During this time, be ready to make hard decisions early enough and be careful not to overlook anything important.

Create a plan

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Don't go offline! Prepare for A Tropical Storm Or Hurricane 1

Once you have assessed the impact that a storm could cause to your business, it’s not time to create a reliable plan. This plan should take into consideration your full understanding of everything about your business. This requires you to have emergency planning that will create the best emergency plan for your business.
Additionally, your plan must be flexible enough to cater to all inevitable changes that could before and during the storm. In the emergency plan, be sure to include the safest evacuation routes of your facility to ensure everyone is evacuated safely and without chaos.
Remember, your plan is only as good as the people involved. So, you must make sure everyone thoroughly understands what is expected of them in any scenario. This requires you to define clear roles and responsibilities and training of your employees.

Protect your site

Protecting your business site and equipment is essential in ensuring continuity and restoration of business operations when the hurricane happens. Several ways can be used to protect your site, including the installation of an uninterruptible power supply, having a backup water source, and pumps to help pump out water in the lower levels of your business facility to avoid flooding.

Utilize technology 

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Don't go offline! Prepare for A Tropical Storm Or Hurricane 2

Every business should make use of technology to ensure the continuity of critical business operations regardless of what happens. Cloud-based systems present plenty of options that can provide the running of your business, even remotely. Convert specific systems such as payroll, business telephone service, and HR to the cloud. With the cloud, your data is safe and can be recovered anytime, anywhere.


The hurricane season is coming, and early business preparedness is essential. By preparing early, you will protect your employees, your most valued assets, and critical business functions. Create an emergency team and an emergency plan to be ready for whatever comes.

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