Social Media Advertising is not everything in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Differences between digital marketing and social networks
The difference between digital marketing and social marketing is that social marketing (or social media) is only one of the channels available in digital marketing.
Many people believe that by getting followers on their social networks, they are doing digital marketing, but this is not entirely true. There are many more parts to a digital marketing campaign.

What is digital marketing?

The definition of digital marketing is: Promoting a brand through all available digital channels and creating awareness of it.

The main components of digital marketing are:

Internet Marketing – Web, Search Engine Marketing – Including SEO and Pay Per Click Ads or Print), Mobile Markets (e.g., Google Play, Apple Store…), Email marketing, Web, and social media advertising.
Digital marketing outside the Internet – Television, Radio, SMS, Digital signage (e.g., LED screens) (outdoor and indoor)

What is social marketing?

Digital Marketing
Social Media Advertising is not everything in Digital Marketing 1

Social marketing is the most successful channel in Internet marketing in the last two years.
The success achieved by social networking platforms, mainly Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, has changed the way we socialize, interact, and shop. This also brings us new channels for digital marketing.
Social networking is the term we use to describe platforms that bring people together to share information. The most popular social networks are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube.

What are the benefits of using social media in your marketing campaigns?

There are a lot of benefits of using social media marketing to promote your products and services online and offline. It’s a quick way to promote yourself – If you have a large fan base, you can share a tweet or post on Facebook, and your message will quickly go out to thousands of users around the world. In fact, social networks are the fastest ways (even faster than TV and radio) to advertise or get your word out everywhere.

  • It’s good for SEO -We had seen signs that social networks are being used for google and bing ranking purposes.
  • It’s trendy – Social media is a trend you can’t ignore if you want to stay close to your customers and be on top of the latest marketing developments.
  • It is one of the roads to interact with your customers and find out what they want. With social networks, your customers can show you what they like (giving likes, + 1, retweet), commenting, and sharing. As a social media marketer, you can analyze these statistics, talk to your customers, and find out how to improve your products or services.

Digital Marketing vs. Social Media

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Social Media Advertising is not everything in Digital Marketing 2

It should have been clear from reading the definition above that social networks is a part of internet marketing, which in turn is part of digital marketing.
If we compare the two concepts, we will find the following.
Digital marketing goes outside the Internet and tries to target people in the offline world utilizing digital media, while social networks are limited to the Internet
A digital marketing campaign can include one or more components (Internet advertising, mobile ads, TV, SMS, etc.) while a social networking strategy can include one or more social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Social networks are strongly associated with a content strategy, i.e., you create content and use social networks to promote it, while digital marketing can completely focus on banners (either online, TV, or billboards).
Which is more important, social networks or digital marketing?
This depends on the type of brand, product, or services you want to promote. There are cases where other forms of digital marketing may be more appropriate to build your customer base. Social networks are a must for any product or service that has a wide audience.
For example, if you are selling an application, social media can help you find new customers, educate your current customers (sending them tips and tricks), and keep them informed about new updates and upcoming releases.
If on the other end, you are selling personalized tools for farmers, you can use social media as a resource to find out more about the products, but your way to sell maybe radio or posters in rural areas.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the dynamic process of promoting a product or service through different social media networks. In principle, there are two ways to do a social media marketing campaign.
The first way is free, and you have to do it by attracting followers by sharing content, launching contests, memes, quotes. In conclusion, making your followers fall in love.
The second way is through paid ads. You can use Facebook ads, Google AdWords, or twitter promoted to advertise your products or services on Facebook, Google, and Twitter, respectively.
There is a misconception that social media campaigns do not convert customers, but the latest statistics show otherwise.
The success or failure of all marketing campaigns depends on many factors, including the experience of the marketing consultant.
If you want to carry out a marketing campaign using paid ads, I recommend you to contact me to increase the chances of a successful campaign considerably.

What does a classic digital marketing campaign include?

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Social Media Advertising is not everything in Digital Marketing 3

There are many components in digital marketing; a typical campaign includes most components of the Internet Marketing family. It is very common to see promotional campaigns from:

  • Search Engine Marketing – Includes content and SEO strategies in addition to SEM or Adwords campaigns.
  • Social Media Promotions – Includes paid ads on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
  • Mobile App promotions
  • Email Marketing – Promotion of products or services through email.

It is essential to know the differences between marketing strategies, so that you can select the most suitable marketing tools to use in your campaigns.
Digital marketing is the future of business marketing and will eventually gain more territory in the online and offline markets.
On the other hand, social networks are the new way to connect people, and it is part of digital marketing as well as a change of mentality in which customers tell us what they need, and give their opinion about our products.

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