Importance of reusing content

When we review the metrics, the last thing we want to see is that organic traffic is stagnating. However, all marketing professionals must deal with this problem at some point.

These increases and decreases in traffic may be due to changes in the sector, how the public consumes content, the quantity and quality of the new content that is produced or the relevance of the oldest material.
Sometimes, all you need to keep the audience interested is to update the content a bit and reuse it.

Why you must reuse content

One of the best tips on content marketing I learned from Derek Halpern, founder of Social Triggers, in a post about why bloggers fail.
“You do not have to create content every day of your life. You have to make the content you already have reach a wider audience, “explains Halpern.

Digital Marketing
Importance of reusing content 1

That’s the fundamental idea behind the reuse of the content: take something you’ve created, modify it, and give it a new opportunity.
Apart from the fact that hard work has already been done, here are some other advantages of content reuse:

You can reach a new audience
When you publish content for the first time, performance may not be ideal. However, over time, it gains momentum and gives better results. When you reuse content and give it a new format or update it, you can reach new segments of audience.

Reinforce your message
When analyzing the benefits of content reuse, Buffer’s Kevan Lee says that marketing is repetitive. For example, the marketing “rule of seven” states that buyers need to hear your message approximately seven times before closing a sale.
Then, instead of discussing a topic once and letting it get lost in the archives, reuse the articles so that the public receives your message continuously. This works well if you start with recognized and valuable content, as it will be easier to find innovative ways to reinforce your message.

Improves organic visibility

Digital Marketing

Organic search continues to provide the most traffic to a site. A BrightEdge study determined that this type of search represents 51% of traffic sources. If this is true, then the reuse of optimized content in various formats can significantly increase organic visibility and traffic.

Publishing a wide variety of content increases your access to search resources for targeted queries. If you post your content on other sites, you will also have the advantage of external links on some occasions.

How to choose the content you will reuse
If you already have large content files on your blog or even a lot of external content, such as guest posts, that you can take advantage of.

Instead of spending hours reviewing each article to find the most popular ones, explore the analytics. Observe specific metrics to quickly sort and classify your content and identify the best publications.Pay attention to the visualizations, the time on the site and the interaction in social networks. You can also simplify the process if you classify the content according to the total number of visualizations and how it has diminished over time.

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Importance of reusing content 2

To classify internal and external content, I also try to include factors such as the number of interactions with the publication and the number of times it was shared.

When making the classification, do not rely solely on popularity. A publication may have fewer interactions or traffic, but if you manage to update it with valuable data or new trends, it could be a success.

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