Do these 5 things to destroy your online business presence

Currently, within the companies, there are still many people who have an unclear vision about the benefits of SEO strategies and business presence. There is a perception that it is not measurable, ineffective, or that PPC campaigns are a much safer way.

However, this is wrong, and in fact, a well-positioned SEO positioning is necessary for the success of the SEM. A well-thought-out strategy can attract more potential customers and increase the conversion rate of your site.

However, stop implementing SEO tactics can represent not only a wasted opportunity but also a significant loss of money.
That’s why today we tell you five ways in which it can cost you very expensive to ignore SEO.

1. Use Google ads or PPC campaigns as a replacement for SEO

Digital Marketing

Both SEO strategies and PPC proportionally benefit the SEM. To think that one can substitute another would be incoherent because both complement each other and cover areas that the other does not reach.

To understand this point, consider a typical online sales funnel of a company; This will include different stages from discovery to interest and finally purchase. The search forms (keywords), as well as the expected results, will be various in both cases.
For example, if a user makes a searches for “The best dog food” he/she can find the following situation: An advertisement for a trademark appears, which he ignores and then finds an organic search result that explains in detail what should be fixed to the time to consider the health of your pet.
Using quality information content, the user can become a potential customer since he is attracted to know such dog food products with quality ingredients. In this case, the brand opted for SEO campaigns was a wise decision.

2. Not understanding your target audience

Digital Marketing

Is there a limit on how much can be learned from a target group? If you have worked in marketing campaigns, you will probably agree that the answer is a resounding no. The interests are not only the keywords, and even these can hide different intentions or search concerns.

A robust and well-done SEO will be a window of opportunity to meet your different buyer’s people. They are learning about the topics that interest you most and their buying behaviors.
Imagine the case of an insecticide advertiser, where he writes entries on a variety of topics on his brand’s blog. In this way, he discovers that one of the main interests of buyers is that they do not harm their pets.
Users rarely or never included the word “pet” in their searches, but added a so-called “no harm pet” in Google Ads campaigns, which generated considerable interest and excellent results: all thanks to the attacks of SEO web positioning.

3. You will not be shielded for possible algorithm changes

Digital Marketing

It has happened in the past and will undoubtedly happen again. A change in the Google algorithm can change the scenario for many advertisers in their PPC campaigns, reducing traffic, or giving more space to the competition.

Strategies for SEO campaigns are characterized by being a much broader way of covering topics related to a brand, product, or service. And, although it is true that the organic search algorithm also receives changes, a complete and well-worked strategy should not face significant problems with the evolution of search engines.

4. Do not take it into account when redesigning your site

Even to date, many programs and marketing directors do not consider the implications of SEO when it comes to creating or redesigning a website, leaving little or no space for the development of strategies that allow sites to position themselves as a search result.

Digital Marketing

As you can imagine, it is not enough to add a few words, and that’s it. Also, some formats such as JavaScript are merely incompatible with the word detection used by Google. It is recommended to have the advice of experts.

5. It hinders the credibility of your brand

Having additional information for those users who want to know everything to make an informed decision has become an industry standard. If an advertiser has tens or hundreds of notes, blog entries or articles that endorse them as experts in a subject, the user will begin to develop little by little a trust towards the brand.
On the other hand, if your site offers nothing or little information, your website will give the impression of being of low confidence. SEO campaigns help build strong relationships with customers.

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