It’s no secret that your company’s C-suite members don’t care about the number of likes you received on your last share or the website traffic you receive daily. What they really care about is whether their digital marketing investment is paying back in terms of expanding customer base and inflating revenue figures.
Managers and executives want their digital marketers to present the results in numbers – how much revenue did digital marketing bring to the company compared to the last quarter. However, unfortunately many digital marketers themselves don’t have an idea about how to use online marketing as a revenue driver and improve the business’s profitability.

To make things little easier for the digital marketing community, we are listing 3 ways marketers can use online marketing to capture more leads and convert those leads into customers in order to bring revenue for the company.
Offer Exclusive Deals and Offers to Your Online Customers

Probably the easiest way you can convince your executives to allocate more resources to digital marketing is to show them that it increases the sales. You can do this by offering offers and deals that are exclusive to your customers. This not only increases your sales, but can also help you increase the reach of your social media network, which in turns connects you to more prospective customers and contributes to your business bottom-line.
Offer Discounts or Value-Added Services to Make Your Customers Spend More
You must have come across eCommerce websites that offer free shipping over a certain purchase value. This is done to make customers purchase more. You can use the same tactic to increase your sales volume and value. For example, if your customers’ purchase products or services worth $50 online, you can offer them a discount or other value-added services, such as free shipping if they purchase over $75. This not only improves the sales figure, but also establishes your image as a business that values its customers.

Provide the Information that Your Customers Are Looking For
Remember that digital marketing not only influences the purchasing behavior of online users, but also of the customers who prefer the ‘real’ shopping experience. According to, 81% shoppers conduct an online search to check product specifications and reviews before making a purchase. This translates into a great marketing opportunity.
You can influence the purchasing behavior of these customers by providing them the information they’re looking for on your social media website. This can be done by sharing customers’ reviews on your social media pages or by featuring a product or service of the work. This way, your prospective customers can easily compare your products with your competitors’ and determine which one will best suit their needs.
Contrary to popular assumption, digital marketing is not just about creating brand awareness and enhancing customer engagement. It’s a useful marketing tool which can bring revenue and more customers to your business if utilized correctly.